"I AM RICH" + 6 Hz Binaural Beats (frequency used by hypnotherapists)


We See It Too Late - Robin Williams On The Fragile Meaning Of Life. AWAKEN THE WORLD TO HAPPY PEPOLE KILLING THEMSELFS


Many CLINICAL depression patients EVEN relatives do not understand, they think you seem fine and just ignore it.it is them that are embarrassed for you. and laugh behind your back  Just to find them gassed in the garage or most hang themselves if not all of my aquatints
Do not have a clue, we are just weak if we speak out, or we complain too much. when we just can't get out of bed for days even weeks in a state of darkness hopelessness loneliness
 and yes immense undescribed pain in every part of our body. Wake up ! and learn and help those who need you the most. I can't tell you how the two I stay with. Think it is in your mind get over it. Go for a walk Lift wights for an hour. I stayed in bed for 3 days and not one of them checked on me. Not one I could have said a final goodbye to the pain that consumes your mind and body PEACE finally. Is this how you want to treat a loved one. Find them hung in your backyard

If you or someone you know is struggling with clinical depression, there are various resources available to provide support and guidance:

  1. National Suicide & Crisis Lifeline (988): The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a 24-hour, toll-free, confidential suicide prevention hotline available to anyone in suicidal crisis or emotional distress. You can call this number for immediate assistance[1].

  2. WebMD: WebMD provides information on depression and disability, including details on how depression can be considered a disability and how to access benefits for individuals with depression[2].

  3. Everyday Health: Everyday Health offers resources and programs to help manage depression and change public perceptions about mental health conditions[3].

  4. SAMHSA's National Helpline: SAMHSA's National Helpline is a free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service available in both English and Spanish[[4](https://www.sam

  1. Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA): DBSA offers support groups, educational resources, and online tools for individuals with depression and bipolar disorder. Website: https://www.dbsalliance.org/

  2. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: This helpline provides free and confidential support to individuals in distress or crisis. They can offer guidance, resources, and connect you to local mental health services. Website: https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/

  3. American Psychological Association (APA): The APA offers information


Robin Williams reflects on the arc of his life, finding it interesting and constantly evolving. He discusses the freedom of creating characters and exploring different aspects of himself. Williams touches on the importance of acceptance, the impact of drugs and addiction, and the power of comedy as a tool for addressing societal issues. He emphasizes the value of connections, family, and the preciousness of life's experiences.

Key Takeaways

Life is an evolving journey that becomes increasingly interesting.
Creating characters provides freedom and allows exploration of different aspects of oneself.
Acceptance and connection with others are essential.
Drugs and addiction are deep-rooted societal issues that require understanding and empathy.
Comedy can be a powerful tool to address social problems.
Family and meaningful relationships are valuable and enriching.
Life's experiences and precious moments contribute to one's legacy.

My Non Life Due TO Boy Scouts serial rapist #explorepage- #trending- #tiktok- #instagram- #love- #instagood #reels- #likeforlikes-



Any incident of child abuse is one too many

Jim Turley, National Chair, Boy Scouts of America


Any incident of child abuse is one too many.
As a father, a former Scout, and the National Chair of the Boy Scouts of America, I am truly heartbroken that you were harmed during your time in Scouting and that you carry unfathomable pain.

I am outraged that individuals took advantage of our programs to commit these heinous acts.

I am also outraged that there were times when volunteers and employees ignored our procedures or forgave transgressions that are unforgivable. In some cases, this led to tragic acts of abuse. While those instances were limited, they mean we didn’t do enough to protect the children in our care – to protect you.

On behalf of myself and the entire Scouting community: I am sorry. I am devastated that there were times in the past when we failed the very children we were supposed to protect.

Please know we have worked consistently over many years to implement multilayered policies to keep kids safe. As knowledge on child sexual abuse prevention has advanced, so have our expert-informed policies, including mandatory background checks and trainings, a ban on one-on-one interactions between youth and adults, and mandatory reporting of any suspicion of abuse to law enforcement. Today, we believe the BSA’s youth safety measures are the strongest and most effective policies found in any youth-serving organization.

I regret that these measures weren’t always in place or weren’t always enough. The fact is that predators harmed innocent children in Scouting programs, and for this I am deeply sorry.

The BSA cannot undo what happened to you, but we are committed to supporting you and to doing everything in our power to prevent it from happening to others. It is a social and moral responsibility that I and the entire organization take extremely seriously. We believe that all victims should receive our support and compensation – and we have taken decisive action to make that possible.

Specifically, the national organization of the Boy Scouts of America has initiated a voluntary financial restructuring to ensure we can equitably compensate all victims of past abuse in our programs, through a proposed Victim’s Compensation Trust.

I encourage you, and all victims to come forward and file claims so you can receive compensation from this Trust. We will provide clear notices about how to do so.

I want you to know that we believe you, we believe in compensating you, and we have programs in place to pay for counseling for you and your family by a provider of your choice.

We have also partnered with 1in6, a trusted national resource for male survivors, to expand their services so that you are able to anonymously access vital support from trained advocates when and how you need it. You can access these services at www.1in6.org/BSA.

The abuse you suffered weighs on us all every day. But your courage also motivates us to do more for the children we are entrusted to protect. We will do better – for you, for kids today, and for kids tomorrow.

Yours in Scouting,
Jim Turley, National Chair, Boy Scouts of America

I Ron Mills Was serial raped and blackmailed for what seems like a lifetime, Our leader was not at two of the events when it happened BTW All the bullies told me since I'm giving it out, give them some, I asked if they were gay since they wanted sex with me. I went home to hang myself that night, my since passed away older brother Bobby cut me down and he cried and cried. so tell me would you guess my entire life or lack of any form of just one day I am not in would be worth between 475,000 to $675,000
because it all took place in Missouri statutes of limitation. can you believe only criminal sexual abuse? has no Statutes of limitation
This is why having the case handed to the BSA Bankruptcy court
We can appeal but we have to pay $10,000.00 to get my discovery
A 17-year-old girl in New York who got diddled once could get 2,025,000.00 for her destroyed life Because New York has no Civil limitations as do many states Ohio is wiping out their law now, as many are also following the others. Florida has the nuttiest GOP
Where do you think Matt Gatz is from DeSantis just wants to be famous
Please don't hesitate to give me criticism or comments. I have had a big target on my back since I was born
Thanks For Reading
Ron Mills 754-400-1830

Signs and Symptoms of a Nervous Breakdown


It's not an official clinical term—but it is a serious issue.

It turns out "nervous breakdown" isn't a clinical term, and it's not considered a mental illness, Erin Engle, PsyD, assistant professor of medical psychology in psychiatry at Columbia University Medical Center, told Health.

Instead, it's more of a catchall term that can reference a number of psychological ailments—but it can still be a serious issue. "[A nervous breakdown] is a situation in which a person cannot function normally because of overwhelming stress," Engle said. Learn the signs and symptoms of nervous breakdowns, and what you can do if you or someone you know may be experiencing one.

Signs and Symptoms

Because a nervous breakdown isn't a specific clinical diagnosis, symptoms will vary from person to person and even culture to culture. "Our bodies and minds respond to stress in different ways," Engle said. Some of the most common signs that someone is feeling overwhelmed and not having an entirely healthy response to stress include:

Anxiety or depression

"Anxiety and depression are common, common reactions [to stress]," Engle said. "Where you get into problems is when that stressor is ongoing and persistent, and the person's coping resources are overwhelmed." If you're headed for a nervous breakdown, you might feel weepy, or even experience episodes of uncontrollable crying, Engle said. Some people suddenly struggle with self-esteem and confidence. "Feeling guilt is a big one," Engle added.

Sleeping too much or not enough

A change in your sleep habits is another warning sign, Engle said. "Some people find that they go into sleep overdrive," Engle said. "Sleep becomes an escape." Others may develop insomnia because their brain is in overdrive. They may lay awake at night ruminating, Engle said, "mentally rehearsing situations over and over again that have no solution."


Extreme tiredness could also be a clue you're stressed to the max. You might even feel weakness in your body, Engle said. Activities you previously handled with ease may become increasingly difficult. And things that used to bring you joy may lose their appeal. That includes sex, Engle said. Loss of libido is commonly linked to stress.

Changes in appetite

"Maybe you're not eating, or conversely, you might be overeating," Engle said. Research published in 2019 in Physiology and Behavior confirmed that the stress hormone cortisol can trigger cravings for high-fat, high-sugar foods. What's more, when you're in the middle of a breakdown, you may be less motivated to prep healthy meals. "There's less ability to care for oneself in the way one typically would," Engle said.

Physical discomfort

Discomfort, like headaches or stomachaches, can be signs of a nervous breakdown. "For some people, there might be a GI component," Engle said, such as diarrhea or constipation. A 2019 review in Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences verified that it's no secret that stress can do a number on your gut. And a large research study published in 2015 in The Journal of Neurogastroenterology and Motility stated that stress is known to cause a variety of problems with digestion.

Brain fog

Are you having trouble concentrating? Or just feel like you're not thinking clearly? There are often cognitive symptoms with a nervous breakdown, Engle said, which might include anything from difficulty with problem-solving and indecisiveness to a sense of disorientation and memory loss.

Trouble breathing

Keep an eye out for classic signs of a panic attack too. According to a 2022 review published in The Irish Journal of Medical Science, this can include tightness in your chest and rapid breathing. Research published in 2022 in The Journal of Physical Therapy Science noted that breathing exercises designed to slow down your breath can provide fast relief. But if you experience severe trouble breathing or if it happens on a regular basis, it's important to address the root of the problem.


As difficult as it is to define a nervous breakdown, it's just as difficult to understand what may cause one. According to a review published in 2014 in The Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine, a number of things can contribute to what might be referred to as a nervous breakdown—mainly including high-stress events like a bad breakup, money issues, grief, or even psychological burnout.

The review explained that anyone can have a nervous breakdown when life circumstances become too much to handle and that an individual's coping skills come into play here too—because everyone handles stress differently, their responses to that stress will also be different. A person's support system to handle those stressors matters, as well.

And research published in 2019 in Psychoneuroendocrinology concluded that sometimes, a so-called nervous breakdown can indicate an underlying mental health problem—like anxiety or depression—that needs psychiatric attention.

What To Do if You Think You're Having a Nervous Breakdown

This too depends on the specific person and situation they're in. If someone is experiencing a lower level of stress but still feels out of sorts, it may be a good idea to prioritize self-care and engage in healthy coping mechanisms, like exercising or practicing a favorite hobby. Getting an adequate amount of sleep, engaging in healthy eating habits, and getting enough time with friends and family can help, too.

However, if a person is exhibiting more severe symptoms that seem to be impinging on their daily life, it's a good idea to seek psychological help—something that no one should ever be afraid to seek out. "I always encourage someone to seek out the chance to speak with, or meet with, either a therapist, a psychologist or a social worker—a licensed mental health professional," Engle said. "Going to get help is one of the most important things you can do." And you can work with a mental health professional in person, or virtually—whatever feels right for you.

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